Time for a walk! Oh goody! I like the park! Hello, Cookie! So, you come here too! Yes. My owner works here.He sells hot dogs. What does he do? Do you want (тайм) (фэр) (э) (уок)! (оу) (ˈгуди)! (ай) (лайк) (зэ) (пак)! (хеˈлоу), (ˈкуки)! (соу), (ю) (кам) (хиэ) (ту)! (йес). (май) (ˈоунэ) (уёкс) (хиэ).(хи) (селз) (хот) (догз). (уот) (дэз) (хи) (ду)? (ду) (ю) (уонт) one?Do people eat dogs?Oh, oh! They're not really does, silly!Here you are. Try one! I love hot dogs. Yum!(уан)?(ду) (ˈпипл) (ит) (догз)?(оу), (оу)! (зеэ) (нот) (ˈриэли) (даз), (ˈсили)!(хиэ) (ю) (а). (трай) (уан)! (ай) (лав) (хот) (догз). (ям)!
1. I wanted to visit Germany last year, but I couldn't. 2. My friend James is a runner, and he won the race many times. 3. My sister is taking part in a Show of talents, and she has just shown a special talant. 4. He must produce the music this week. 5. My Uncle Jerry met a famous musician a month ago. 6. Nina lived in Italy for 3 Years. 7. My friend Nick moved to a new house a week ago. 8. She has already sent an email. 9. Masha went to the Museum of Science several times. 10. Eva has been organizing a concert since November. 11. Gilbert drew amazing pictures 3 month ago. 12. She took part in public performance in 1987.