modern life is impossible without television. it is a part of our life. the attitude to television is different. some people hate watching tv. they believe is waste of time. for them most of programs are rather boring. as for me i enjoy watching tv. i think the role of tv is expressed in the proverb, “it’s better to see than to hear”. paraphrasing it i can say it’s good to see after you have read. it’s so nice to watch screen version of literary masterpieces. it can add much to our understanding the author. believe me it arouses unforgettable emotions. on tv we can see everything we have heard about. there are a lot of entertaining programs, feature and documentary films. sometimes these films provoke hot discussions. our television offers a wide variety of channels. my favorite tv channel is …. it broadcasts a lot of films and programs for adults, teenagers and children. my favorite program is …. it’s great! it is full of good pieces of advice…. when i wake up in the morning i always switch on tv and watch “life news”. i am interested in the news all over the world, main information in our newspapers and magazines. in the evening i usually watch an interesting film or something to entertain or to relax. i am sure watching tv is the most interesting hobby in the world after reading books. it’s my favourite pastime.
shall we have some vanilla ice cream, fiona?
yes, that’s a great idea. i think there’s some in the fridge.
oh, no! there isn’t much left. just 5 spoonfuls.
i have an idea! let’s make a milkshake with what we’ve got.
all right! what else do we need?
we need some chocolate syrup and some milk.
we’ve got a bottle of chocolate syrup but only half a bottle of milk.
that’s fine, we only need half a cup.
ok. here’s everything. what do we do next?
let’s put the ice cream in a jar and then add the syrup.
how much syrup?
just two tablespoons.
ok. shall i add the milk now?
no. mix the ice cream and the syrup a bit with the spoon.
now add the milk, cover the jar and shake it.
is it ready now?
yes. let’s put it into a glass.
… it’s delicious!
поедим, ванильного мороженого, фиона?
да, это отличная идея. я думаю, что есть немного в холодильнике.
о нет! там осталось не так много. всего 5 ложек.
у меня есть идея! давай сделаем молочный коктейль с тем, что у нас есть.
отлично! что нам нужно?
нам нужен шоколадный сироп и немного молока.
у нас есть бутылка шоколадного сиропа, но только половина бутылки молока.
это нормально, нам нужна только половина чашки.
хорошо. вот и все. что делать дальше?
нужно положить мороженое в банку и добавить сироп.
сколько сиропа?
всего две столовые ложки.
хорошо. должен ли я добавить молоко сейчас?
нет. смешай мороженое и сироп с ложкой.
теперь добавьте молоко, накрой банку и встряхни.
да. давайте положим это в стакан.
это вкусно!
(((может быть неправильно