Next month we will have winter holidays. They will begin on the 30th of December and will end on the 10th January. Schoolchildren will not have lessons at this time.
We will have good weather all the time. Sometimes it will be snowing, but we will like the weather very much.
During the holidays schoolchildren will have a good time. They will have New Year parties round the green New Year Trees with concerts in the school halls and in the house of Pioneers.
During the winter holidays I often will go to the cinema and will see some interesting films for children. I will read some books which I will take out from our school library. Every day I will meet my friends and we will play in the playground or will go to the skating-rink park. Every day I will look after my little sister and will help my mother about the house, will wash the dishes, will dust the sofa and chairs,will sweep the floor and cleaned the rooms.
On Saturdays and Sundays my father will took me to the town park for walks .
When will the schoolchildren have a holidays?
What will you prefer to do on the holidays?
What will happen on Saturdays and Sundays ?
What's the schoolchildren will do on holidays?
Will schoolchild be happy on holidays?
1) We had to leave early not to be late for school.
2) My brother had to
do his homework because he was the
teacher's pet.
Мой брат должен был делать домашнюю работу, так как он был любимчиком учителя.
My brother didn`t have to do his homework because he was the
teacher's pet.
Мой брат не должен был делать домашнюю работу, так как он был любимчиком учителя.
3) In the past, children had to
obey their parents.
4) Did you have to pay for your ticket?
5) It rained all day on Sunday. I was really glad that I didn`t have to go
to school.
6) A hundred years ago, people didn't have washing machines, so
they had to do all the washing by hand.
7) Because of the snow last winter a lot of people had to spend
the night in their cars.
8) When we went to Spain last year, we didn`t have to speak Spanish,
because a lot of people could speak English.
9) Did you have to ask the permission from your dad when you were ten?
The main thing in this game to defeat the enemy. destroy all his ships.
what to play this game you need to draw 2 squares and mark them in 1 side with the alphabet, and 2 with numbers. on 1 of the squares you need to place your ships. total ships should be 16. during the game, each player must name the coordinates of the ship, on which he thinks that his opponent is and thus cross out the cells, if you hit.
This game can reduce itself from 2 people to 5.
if you get bored you can always play in the sea battle is very fun and interesting.
морской бой.
Главное в этой игре победить противника. Разрушить все его корабли.
Что бы поиграть в эту игру нужно начертить 2 квадрата и разметить их в 1 сторона с алфавитом, а 2 с цифрами. На 1 из квадратов нужно расставить свои корабли. всего кораблей должно быть 16. В ходе игры каждый игрок должен называть координаты корабля, на которую он думает, что находится его противник и тем самым зачеркивать клетки, если ты попал.
В эту игру может играть от 2 человек до 5. Если вам скучно вы всегда можете поиграть в морской бой это очень весело и интересно.