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Напишите перевод honesty lesson josh ferrin worked as an artist for the deseret news in salt lake city, utah. the newspaper has the longest history in the state and the biggest sunday circulation. fresh and original images are definitely an important part of the newspaper’s policy. so, josh had a lot of work and hoped that in several years he could save up for a house of his own. josh adored his wife and two children. they spent holidays together travelling in their old car that broke down regularly. at weekends in winter, they watched their favourite movies in a rented flat that seemed smaller and smaller as the children were growing. but neither the tiny flat nor the old car could ruin their happiness and mutual understanding. once josh and his wife were watching a tv program about children who lived in an orphanage and needed parents. they were so deeply moved by the children’s sad life stories that they decided to adopt a child. the only thing that could stop them was the small flat. that was the moment josh started looking for a new house. finding a proper house was not an easy thing to do. they wanted it to be not very expensive, big enough and have some history. finally, josh brought his wife to look at an outdated two-storey house with a large attic. though the house needed repair, there was something about it that made josh and his wife like it. the real estate agent told them the story of the previous owner. he had six children but lived a lonely life in that house and died several years ago. his children decided to sell the old house and share the money. when they moved in, they went on exploring the house. the massive staircases, cosy bedrooms, a large kitchen and an airy living-room were all they could dream of. the children were running about the house crying out with joy. the only door that was closed led to the attic below the roof. the next day when his wife and children were away, josh managed to unlock the door and decided to inspect the attic. the dark space was empty, with spiders’ webs hanging in the corners. josh turned on the light and noticed a pile of boxes and tins in one of the corners. a small, broken bike lay nearby. josh thought the room would be ideal for his art studio and started cleaning it up. he threw away several empty boxes when he suddenly found out that all the rest were stuffed with old books. josh drew out several books from one of the boxes and found a thick pile of banknotes at the bottom. when the family returned, josh called his wife and told her about the treasure he had found. he also showed her a short notice he had found in the same box. the message, ‘to my children’, was written on a piece of yellowish paper. the sum was enough to buy a new car and repair the house for their own growing family and the child the ferrins wanted to adopt. the temptation to keep the money was great, but josh and his wife understood it was not their money.

Джош Феррин работал художником в "Дезерет Ньюс" в Солт-Лейк-Сити, штат Юта. Газета имеет самую длинную историю в государстве и самый большой воскресный тираж. Свежие и оригинальные изображения, безусловно, являются важной частью политики газеты. Итак, у Джоша было много работы и он надеялся, что через несколько лет он сможет накопить на собственный дом.
Джош обожал свою жену и двоих детей. Они провели каникулы вместе, путешествуя на своей старой машине, которая регулярно ломалась. По выходным зимой они смотрели свои любимые фильмы в арендованной квартире, которая казалась все меньше и меньше, когда дети росли. Но ни крошечная квартира, ни старая машина не могли разрушить их счастье и взаимопонимание.
Однажды Джош с женой смотрели телепередачу о детях, которые жили в детском доме и нуждались в родителях. Они были так глубоко тронуты печальными жизненными историями детей, что решили усыновить ребенка. Единственное, что могло остановить их, была маленькая квартира. Это был момент, когда Джош начал искать новый дом.
Поиск подходящего дома не была легкая вещь, чтобы сделать. Они хотели, чтобы он был не очень дорогим, достаточно большим и имел некоторую историю. Наконец, Джош привел жену посмотреть на устаревший двухэтажный дом с большим чердаком. Хотя дом
нуждался в ремонте, в нем было что-то, что сделало Джоша и его жену такими. Агент по недвижимости, рассказал им историю предыдущего владельца. У него было шестеро детей, но он жил в этом доме одиноко и умер несколько лет назад. Его дети решили продать старый дом и поделить деньги.
Когда они переехали, они продолжили исследовать дом. Массивные лестницы, уютные спальни, большая кухня и просторная гостиная были все, о чем они могли мечтать. Дети бегали по дому, крича от радости. Единственная дверь, которая была закрыта вела на чердак под крышей. На следующий день, когда его жена и дети были в отъезде, Джош удалось
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a famous singer, who was remembered by millions of his songs, passed away. he was known and loved throughout the world. the tragic death of the artist was reported by russian media.

according to reports, singer asker makhmudov died in sochi. the songs “my city ordzhonikidze” and “medina” made the singer famous and were remembered by the listeners precisely in his performance.

during his long career, makhmudov worked with such famous authors and performers as muslim magomaev, joseph kobzon, vladimir vysotsky.

at the time of his death, he was 73 years old. however, the media reported nothing about the causes of death.

asker makhmudov not only sang, but also tried his hand at acting, starring in the films alan, when singing in ordzhonikidze and golden wedding. the singer was born in uzbekistan, but still in childhood with his parents moved to north ossetia. this country left a deep imprint on his work. the last years of his life, the singer lived in sochi, where he died.

recall that accents wrote that the media received information that the famous hollywood star peter fonda passed away in the morning at a house in los angeles. he became famous thanks to the cult film of the 60s “careless rider” and was the son of the legendary henry fonda, and brother of actress jane fonda.

accents also reported that princess cristina died in the netherlands after a long and serious illness. the tragic news was reported to the royal family through the official twitter page. as it turned out, princess christina fought with bone cancer for a long time and the disease was stronger. at the time of her death, the woman was 72 years old. the woman lived a happy life, got married and gave birth to children despite the fact that she was born with an anomaly in the development of her eyes and was almost blind.

accents recently reported that richard williams, the world’s favorite of children, passed away on august 16, 2019. everyone knows him as the person who created the legendary cartoons. his most famous painting was “who framed roger rabbit”. according to media reports, the animator and director of the animator at the time of death was 86 years old. despite the fact that he died in his own house in bristol and lived almost all his life in the uk, he was born in toronto, canada. he decided to move to britain in the 50s of the last century.


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ответ: animals are very important in our life. some of them can become good friends for us. it is especially true about domestic animals. животные важны в нашей жизни. некоторые из них могут стать для нас хорошими друзьями. это особенно верно в отношении животных.

on days when i had no friends to play with in my childhood, i played with my dog. i had both dogs and cats. apart from these pets, once we bought a talking parrot and a hamster. i should say, parrots can be aggressive sometimes, although they are rather funny. hamsters need lots of attention and care. their cage often gets dirty and they need similar rodents to play with. в детстве, когда мне не с кем было играть, я играл со своей собакой. у меня были как собаки, так и кошки. помимо этих животных, однажды мы приобрели говорящего попугая и хомяка. нужно отметить, что попугаи иногда бывают агрессивными, хотя они довольно забавные. хомячкам нужно много внимания и заботы. их клетка часто загрязняется и им нужны другие грызуны для игр.

the best choice is to keep a cat or a dog as a pet. cats are very sweet animals. i had several cats during my childhood. some of them were grey, some black and white. as for dogs, i had only two dogs of various breeds. i can say that looking after animals and taking care of them is one of my favourite pastimes. out of all family members i was the one who went for a walk with our dogs. i fed them, played with them, trained and treated whenever they got ill. for example, my german shepherd has once broken its leg. i took gentle care of it until the leg was fine again. лучше всего в качестве питомца заводить кошку или собаку. кошки славные животные. у меня было несколько кошек в детстве. некоторые из них были серыми, другие черно- белыми. что касается собак, у меня было только две собаки различных пород. можно сказать, что уход за животными и забота о них являются одним из моих любимых занятий. из всех членов семьи именно я ходил на прогулку с нашими собаками. я кормил их, играл с ними, тренировал и лечил их всякий раз, когда они болели. например, моя овчарка однажды сломала ногу. я тщательно заботился о ней, пока нога не зажила.

speaking of other animals, i like almost all species that exist in the world, except insects. i’m not very fond of different insects. moreover, i’m afraid of spiders and cockroaches. when i want to learn something new about wild animals, i watch animal planet. it’s a very cognitive program that tells about a wide range of species. that’s how i learned that not all reptiles are dangerous and not all mammals are safe. говоря о других животных, я люблю почти все разновидности, которые существуют в мире, за исключением насекомых. я не люблю различных насекомых. более того, я боюсь пауков и тараканов. когда я хочу узнать что-то новое о диких животных, я смотрю «планету животных». это познавательная программа, которая рассказывает о многих видах животных. вот откуда я узнал, что не все рептилии опасны и не все млекопитающие безопасны.

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