1. When we arrived at the airport, we saw our cousin and daughter. They smiled at us. 2. All last week, Jack has been waiting for a call from Mary. 3. It was a frosty winter evening. A strong wind blew. People rushed home. 4. While I was preparing for the final exam, my friends watched an exciting football game on TV. 5. Yesterday at 7 pm my neighbors celebrated Halloween. They were dressed in scary costumes and sang special songs. 6. As soon as the stranger entered the room, we asked: “What happened?” 7. The children played football all day in the yard. 8. They walked along the promenade from 8 to 10 hours yesterday. 9. I watched TV while he translated suggestions 10. Sally read a book when
the bell rang.
15 points for an answer without using a translator
1. When we arrived at the airport, we saw our cousin and daughter. They smiled at us. 2. All last week, Jack has been waiting for a call from Mary. 3. It was a frosty winter evening. A strong wind blew. People rushed home. 4. While I was preparing for the final exam, my friends watched an exciting football game on TV. 5. Yesterday at 7 pm my neighbors celebrated Halloween. They were dressed in scary costumes and sang special songs. 6. As soon as the stranger entered the room, we asked: “What happened?” 7. The children played football all day in the yard. 8. They walked along the promenade from 8 to 10 hours yesterday. 9. I watched TV while he translated suggestions 10. Sally read a book when
the bell rang.
15 points for an answer without using a translator
Мой друг – очень хороший человек. Я знаю, что на него можно положиться. Он всегда мне поддержит в трудную минуту. Я, конечно, отвечаю ему тем же. Мой друг никогда не предаст меня, не будет строить козни за моей спиной. И это самое главное.
Друзья не появляются случайно. Чтобы подружиться, обязательно нужно быть в чем-то похожими, а в чем-то отличаться. Похожими нужно быть в том, что у друзей должны быть общие взгляды на жизнь, одинаковое понимание чести и порядочности, справедливости и ответственности. Похожие интересы желательны, но не обязательны, ведь это очень интересно, когда люди могут научить друг друга чему-то новому.