1 The Pros and Cons of Cycle Lanes
Don't you think it is unfortunate that people cannot cycle to school or to the city centre safely? One way to make it safer for people to cycle in the city is to create cycle lanes.
Cycle lanes would make the city centre a better place for a lot of people. Firstly, they would make it safer for cyclists and reduce accidents. They would not have to watch out for cars all the time. Furthermore, cycle lanes may encourage people to cycle and leave their cars at home. This would reduce pollution and have a positive effect on many people's health.
On the other hand, cycle lanes have certain disadvantages. To begin with, they take up road space and this may lead to narrower lanes for cars and traffic jams. Cycle lanes are also expensive to create.
All things considered, although there are some disadvantages to cycle lanes I believe that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. So perhaps it's time for us all to get on our bikes?
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I`d like to tell you about my summer trip to the sea. Last year my family and I went to Anapa. I was very interested in this resort, that`s why I often took pictures of beautiful places there. We were very lucky with the weather. The sea was warm. That is why my sister and I swam for a long time. Our parents couldn`t make us to come back to the beach. It was funny!
In the evening we went to the park. There were a lot of side-shows in it. I tried all of them and I liked them very much.
We had a very interesting menu for our breakfasts, dinners and suppers. There is a lot of fruit in it.
We stayed in the hotel. There was a garden near it. There were many flowers in the garden.
It was the best holiday in my life!