1. Has that man been to Australia five times?
Has that man been to Australia five times or four times?
That man has been to Australia five times, hasn't he?
Where has that man been five times?
Who has been to Australia five times?
2. Must you call your elderly parents every week?
Must you call your elderly parents every week or every day?
You must call your elderly parents every week, mustn't you?
How often must you call your elderly parents?
Who must call elderly parents every week?
3. Are there all modern conveniences in the cottage?
Are there all modern conveniences in the cottage or in the flat?
There are all modern conveniences in the cottage, aren't there?
Where are there all modern conveniences?
What is there in the cottage?
4. Did Steve phone Scotland Yard?
Did Steve phone Scotland Yard or his friend?
Steve phoned Scotland Yard, didn't he?
Who did Steve phone?
Who phoned Scotland Yard?
5. Have I been learning English all my life?
Have I been learning English all my life or for 4 months?
I have been learning English all my life, haven't I?
How long have I been learning English?
Who has been learning English all his life?
Всем известно, что в доисторические времена большая часть поверхности суши была покрыта лесами. В местах, где росли деревья, человек использовал дерево для строительства домов себе и своим служащим.
Долговечность дерева и его использования можно наглядно увидеть, например, в таких постройках, как церкви Скандинавии.
В России, где часто достаточно холодно, древесина широко используется как для строительства домов, так и для церквей из-за ее свойства теплоизоляции от холода. Многие старинные русские церкви деревянные, вплоть до куполов, которыми они отделаны.
2)Murder, fraud.
3)If it is true friendship that can destroy it only by death.
4)Kind, smart, brave and cheerful.