Сделать предложения во всех временах my father ussualy drive to work и что-бы оно было положительным,отрицательным,и вопросительным вот какие времена: past simple,present simple,present progressive,past progressive,present perfect simple ! !
1.Фермер работает в саду каждый день. Фермер работал в саду вчера. будущее- The farmer will work in the garden tomorrow. Фермер будет работать в саду завтра. 2. Мои занятия начинаются в половине девятого Мои занятия начинались в полдевятого на неделе. будущее - My studies will begin at half past eifgt next week. Мои занятия будут начинаться в полдевятого на следующей неделе. 3. Мы работали над его проблемой в течение трёх месяцев. - Это предложение в времени, составляем в настоящем - We are working at his problem during three months. ( работаем) и будущем - We'll be working at his problem during three months ( будем работать)
Shopping and entertainment center "the Island" - the largest shopping area in the region, lies to the West of the city, in the former house-building plant, in a ten-minute transport accessibility from the Central part of the city. Designed for residents of the Western area of the city, where about two hundred thousand people. The largest tenants include the electronics hypermarket Eldorado, supermarket "Food," furniture supermarket "Mebelgrad", a children's supermarket "Bublgum", cinema "cinema World", entertainment center "Asteroid", a supermarket of household goods "Yuterra." In addition, there is a pharmacy, dry cleaner, photography Studio, dentist's office, beauty salon, Bank, medical office, ATM.
1. My father drove to work.
2. My father didn't drive to work.
3. Did my father drive to work?
Present Simple
1. My father drive to work
2. My father doesn't drive to work
3. Does my father drive to work?
Present Progressive
1. My father is driving to work.
2. My father isn't driving to work.
3. Is my father driving to work?
Past Progressive
1. My father was driving to work
2. My father wasn't driving to work
3. Was my father driving to work?
Present Perfect Simple
1. My father has driven to work.
2. My father hasn't driven to work
3. Has my father driven to work?