1. Correct the sentences.
a. It must be Yuko's birthday today. There are cards and presents on her desk.
b. Could you swim when you were younger?
c. That could be her car over there. It's the same colour.
d. They said on the TV it might rain tomorrow.
e. You mustn’t smoke here. There's a 'No smoking' sign.
f. Can you speak Arabic?
g. I can’t use this mp3 player, the instructions are too difficult to understand.
Ex 5
b) may…..can’t c) must d) may e) could …could f) can g) might h) could….can’t
На сегодняшний день даже ответ на базовый вопрос — что собой представляет память во времени и пространстве — может состоять в основном из гипотез и предположений. Если говорить о пространстве, то до сих пор не очень понятно, как память организована и где конкретно в мозге расположена. Данные науки позволяют предположить, что элементы ее присутствуют везде, в каждой из областей нашего «серого вещества». Более того, одна и та же, казалось бы, информация может записываться в память в разных местах.
2)The school librarian told Jack that there were addresses of companies where he could do work experience and asked him to look up those addresses.
3)Catherine’s teacher told Catherine that she had always enjoyed creative practical work and told her not to be afraid and discuss her ambitions with the manager of the hair salon where she worked on Saturdays.
4) Sarah’s tutor told her if she planned to go on to higher education, to contact university departaments where she could check if experience was required.