1. A rainbow can be seen in the sky after the rain when the sun shines. 2. The heat should be expected only at the end of June. 3. Where can a barometer be bought nowadays? 4. These species should be put in our zoo this year. 5. Your fragile cup can be easily broken. Be careful! 6. These beautiful forests should not be destroyed. 7. The coast of France could be seen from here. 8. Some serious illness can`t be cured. 9. The plant should be produced 250 cars daily. 10. How many names should be included on our list?
2. You have not be very loud.
3. You have listen to teacher.
4. You have not eat in the class.
5. You have be quite on the lesson.
6. You have to do your homework.
7. You have not be in the class on the brake.
8. You have go to school regularly.