1. Ukrainian literature contains a lot of glorious names. - В украинской литературе много прославленных имён.
2. Ukraine has given the world many brilliant names. - Украина дала миру много выдающихся имён.
3. Les’ Kurbas organized the Ternopil Theatrical Evenings. - Лесь Курбас основал «Тернопольские театральные вечера».
4. Ukrainians like to sing songs - Украинцы любят петь песни.
5. Every year Ukrainian singers visit different countries. - Каждый год украинские певцы посещают различные страны.
I and you are friends. I go to school with you
She is my favourite singer. I often listen to her
Mathematic and Enlish are difficult subjects. I study them carefully
English is an interesting language, but I don't speak well