Hello, Ryan.
Crossing two fingers, the nameless and the middle, we create a charm in the form of a cross that will protect from troubles and bring good luck. Sprinkling salt is a bad omen, leading to a quarrel with a loved one. Break the mirror unfortunately. If the mirror accidentally breaks at home, then the following Seven years for the whole family will be unsuccessful. If a guest came to you, you must either invite him to the house or go out to his street, since you can’t talk over the threshold. This leads to quarrels, misunderstandings between people.
ответ: вроде так но несуди строго
ответ: Новым жильцам показали 3-х комнатную квартиру, уже готовую к проживанию.
were shown Passive voice Past Simple
2 Я занимаюсь строительством много лет.
have been Active voice, Present Perfect
3 Обычное пятиэтажное здание строится за 3 мeсяца. is assembled Passive voice. Present Simple
4 Мы уже обсудили все во когда он пришел на совещание
have discussed Active voice, Past Perfect в главном предложении,
в придаточном came Past Simple, active voice.