CRUEL City, London, London, Where, duped slaves of devils' creeds, Men and women desperate, undone, Dream such dreams, and do such deeds: London, London, cruel city, By day serpent, by night vampire — God, in thy great pity, pity, Give us light — though it be fire!
Жестокий Город, London, Лондон, Где, обманывают рабов дьяволом вероучения, Где мужчины и женщины отчаянные, отменно, Мечты как мечты, и делаются такие деяния: Лондон, Лондон, жестокий город, Днем змея, ночью вампир — Бог, в своей Великой жалости, жалости, Дайте нам свет — пусть он и будет огонь!
1. What's the weather like today? — The weather is fine. 2. The sun is yellow. 3. The sky is grey today. 4. The Earth is a planet. 5. We had an English lesson yesterday. The teacher asked me many questions. The questions were difficult. 6. Where is your brother? — He is at home. He is in his room. He is sitting at the table. He is doing his homework. The homework is difficult. 7. Our cat is sitting on the sofa. 8. It is very dark in the room. Turn on the light, please. 9. Nick went into the bathroom, turned on the water and washed his hands
CRUEL City, London, London,
Where, duped slaves of devils' creeds,
Men and women desperate, undone,
Dream such dreams, and do such deeds:
London, London, cruel city,
By day serpent, by night vampire —
God, in thy great pity, pity,
Give us light — though it be fire!
Жестокий Город, London, Лондон,
Где, обманывают рабов дьяволом вероучения,
Где мужчины и женщины отчаянные, отменно,
Мечты как мечты, и делаются такие деяния:
Лондон, Лондон, жестокий город,
Днем змея, ночью вампир —
Бог, в своей Великой жалости, жалости,
Дайте нам свет — пусть он и будет огонь!