Английский: Our health depends on different factors, and nutrition is one of them. We get all nutrients, vitamins, minerals and microelements with food. However, apart from necessary, vital elements, many food products contain ingredients that are useless or even destructive for health. Unfortunately, very often unhealthy food is tasty, appetizing and relatively inexpensive, so, we are tempted to buy it again and again. As a result, we receive too little healthy elements, such as protein, unsaturated fats and fiber and too many empty calories, trans fats and carbohydrates. It causes various health problems – from obesity to metabolic disease and accelerated physiological ageing. Русский: Наше здоровье зависит от различных факторов, и питание – один из них. Мы получаем все питательные вещества, витамины, минералы и микроэлементы с пищей. Однако помимо необходимых, жизненно важных элементов, многие продукты содержат ингредиенты, которые бесполезны и даже вредны для организма. К сожалению, очень часто вредная пища бывает вкусной, аппетитной и относительно недорогой, что побуждает нас покупать ее снова и снова. В результате мы получаем слишком мало полезных элементов, таких как белок, ненасыщенные жиры и клетчатка и слишком много «пустых» калорий, трансжиров и углеводов. Это вызывает многочисленные проблемы со здоровьем – от ожирения до нарушения обмена веществ и ускоренного физиологического старения.
If Peter comes to my place, we will go to play in the yard. If Peter doesn't come to my place, I will watch TV. If Frank’s parents have their holidays in summer, they will go to the seaside. If they have their holidays in winter, they will stay at home. If the fog thickens, Harold will put up the tent for the night. When I finish my work, I will go to the cinema. We will buy this book as soon as our mother gives us some money. When we come to your place you will show us your present. I will return you your ring when you ask me. I will wait for my friend until he comes from the shop. My father will start writing before the sun rises. As soon as you finish your study I will present you with a new flat.