1. It was quite late when they saw Martin coming up the other side of the street. They saw him pausing in front of his house, looking up at it and knocked at the door.
2. My parents let me stay at Molly’s house last weekend. They agreed to take me to his place in the car and they made me promise to behave myself.
3. Mel hates answered the phone. And very often Mel just lets it ringing
4. At first Jenny enjoyed listening to Steven but after a while she got tired of
heared the same story.
5. Polly can’t go to the cinema today. She’s busy she studes for her exam,
which is next week, but she’s decided to take a break and phone
6. I tried to listen carefully and in order didint show how I was embarrassed,
I did my best to keep the conversation went on one topic and another.
Имя прилагательное; обозначает признак предмета, отвечает на вопрос какой?
Н. ф. – счастливый.
А) Постоянные морфологические признаки: качественное прилагательное; есть степени сравнения (счастливее, счастливейший) и краткая форма (счастлив).
Б) Непостоянные морфологические признаки: употреблено в положительной степени, в полной форме, в единственном числе, мужском роде, именительном падеже.
В) предложении выполняет роль определения.
Если не сложно сделайте этот ответ лучшим
1. People can't live without music.
2. To play musical instrument is a great pleasure.
3. My sister enjoy playing the piano.
4. If person wants to play the guitar well, he has to practise it often.
5. Happiness is often the product of honesty and hard work.
6. The flood did a lot of damage to the monument of the city.
7. Pollution is one of the greatest problems facing the mankid.
8. Don't eat in this restaurant. The food is awful there.