Red Square is one of the most famous Russia's places of interest. - Красная площадь – одна из самых известных достопримечательностей России. Saint Basil's Cathedral is located in Red Square. - Собор Василия Блаженного расположен на Красной площади. Lake Baikal is a lake located in eastern Siberia. - Озеро Байкал – это озеро в восточной Сибири. Petergof is a small town which has great tourist and scientific significance. - Петергоф – небольшой городок, имеющий огромное туристическое и научное значение. The Kremlin is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. - Кремль – это крепость в центре Москвы. The Golden Ring is a ring of cities located not far from Moscow. - Золотое кольцо – это кольцо городов, расположенных неподалеку от Москвы.
How I spent my winter vacation ! Winter is a wonderful time of the year . I new year is celebrated with : mom and dad. January 2 , we went to ride the ice slide . My friends and I had fun and didn't even notice how time passed and we ran home . The next day came to visit us my sister and we played hide and seek with her brother and sister. On 4 January my parents went skating on the ice rink family and friends . So I realized how much I love My family and best friends . These were the best winter vacation .
Saint Basil's Cathedral is located in Red Square. - Собор Василия Блаженного расположен на Красной площади.
Lake Baikal is a lake located in eastern Siberia. - Озеро Байкал – это озеро в восточной Сибири.
Petergof is a small town which has great tourist and scientific significance. - Петергоф – небольшой городок, имеющий огромное туристическое и научное значение.
The Kremlin is a fortified complex in the centre of Moscow. - Кремль – это крепость в центре Москвы.
The Golden Ring is a ring of cities located not far from Moscow. - Золотое кольцо – это кольцо городов, расположенных неподалеку от Москвы.