Привет!Очень рад что ты выиграл это соревнование!Каким видом спорта ты занимаешься?И когда проходили соревнования?Я считаю что нужно заниматься спортом для поддержания физической формы!В этом тебе правильное питание и регулярные походы в спортзал!Удачи в спорте и новых побед!
Hi!I’m very glad that you won this competition!What kind of sport do you practice?And when did the competitions take place?I think that you need to play sports to keep fit!Proper nutrition and regular trips to the gym will help you!Good luck in sports and new victories !
Four years later, l'm still a poor student, (8 but) my cousin Gabriella is rich and famous. She won o major fashion award (9 until) she was lust 22. Our family is very proud of her. Gabriella and I now have very different lives (10 and) we don't meet very often. (11 however), we still stay in touch by email and texting. She's in Milan this week for a fashion show. I love hearing about her life (12because) it is very exciting.