You gave me a good book. – Ты дал(а) мне хорошую книгу.
I gave you all you need to finish project last week. – Я дал(а) все необходимое для того, чтобы ты закончил(а) проект на неделе.
give away
1.Сочетание «give away» переводится на русский в негативном значении как тратить, пробалтываться, выдавать чужой секрет, терять шанс.
I hope you are not going to give away my secret. – Я надеюсь, ты не собираешься выдать мой секрет.
You have gave away your chance to win this competition. – Ты упустил свой шанс выиграть эти соревнования.
give up
Перевод фразового глагола «give up» весьма разнообразен: бросать, перестать бороться, отказываться, выдать или раскрыть, рассекретить, поставить крест (на чем-то, ком-то).
You doctor recommended to give up smoking as soon as possible. – Ваш доктор рекомендовал бросить курить как можно быстрее.
Run, run, run. Never give up! — Беги, беги, беги. Никогда не сдавайся!
Why doctors did give her up? – Почему доктора отказались лечить ее?
отметь как лучший ответ
I love a lot of things! Parents, of course, and also brother and sister. I love our cat. And this is normal.
I also really like good weather. When you wake up, and through the still closed eyelids the sun's rays. This is what I love! Immediately cheerful mood. And not even so important - winter or summer. The sun immediately “colors” everything positively. That is, I love the sun!
I also love the sea. That is, everyone is happy to go ashore in the summer. But everyone is bought, and in a day everyone needs somewhere. Now to the museum, then to the store, then on a tour. But I only need the sea. Sitting listening to him, breathing in the scent. I look at the waves. I love swimming too ... And I can spend at sea for a long, long time.
I also love cotton candy. She is a symbol of relaxation! On weekends, we always buy cotton candy in the park. We also have such a wonderful master. He is a real wizard. He does not just make cotton wool, but he twists the loops, throws the wand from hand to hand. Miracles and goodies!
I love another Saturday. Even if you need to go to school. Anyway, there are few lessons. And those are easy! Music, works ... This is probably not to overshadow such a wonderful day.
I love a lot more. Of the unusual - salty cheese with jam! And like everyone else, I love the holidays, music ... I love positive! And I advise everyone, here. This is definitely better than being afraid, sad, whining