Present Perfect 1) We have been to the theatre. 2) I have painted the walls in my bedroom. 3) Richard has turned on the radio. 4) They have explained this rule to me. 5) Amy and Ron have gone to play tennis. 6) Molly has made a cup of tea. 7) His parents have gone to the market. 8) Nelly has typed three letters. 9) The parrot has flown away. 10) The students have prepared for the exams.
Past Simple 1) I went to the cinema yesterday. 2) I could ride a bicycle when I was seven years old. 3) Tom was very tired last week. 4) I used to have a lot of free time when I was young 5) He didn’t do anything to help me. 6) This city wasn’t founded by Peter the Great. 7) I didn’t have to pay for the meal. 8) My mum didn’t let me go to the party. 9) Did Suzan send you a text message yesterday? 10) Was your train late?
The postman 1)(comes) every day at 8 am and 2) (delivers) the post. Normally, you 3)(do not pay) much attention . Today, though, your palms 4) (are sweat), your heart 5) (is racing) and you have butterflies in your stomach. Today you 6 (are waiting) for your exam results. When we 7) (are) in a stressful situation our bodies react. Even if we 8) (try) to hide our feelings inside, our bodies show them on the outside. The same is true for happy, sad or frustrating situations. Let's say you open your results and they are fantastic. Now, you 9) (are smiling), your eyes are wide open and your cheeks are red. You are happy because you know you 10) (will go) to college in September and your body can't hide it.
The longest third quarter was coming to an end. The spring sun was peeking into the large Windows of the class, and gently touched the warmth of our tops. At recess we discussed plans for the upcoming spring break. In the heated debate, as always, truth is born - going on a trip in the reserved forest. At dawn we went out of town for a fun, marching song. Gray silhouettes of high-rise buildings have been left behind, replaced plots that were covered with a dirty shot down in chunks of snow. Gloomy landscape is not upset us. Spring mood raged in our hearts. Closer to the evening, our bus drove to a very nice camp site on the edge of the forest. We disembarked, had dinner and sat around the bonfire. Tired of the way that we wanted to sleep. Bright rays of the morning sun dissipated through the blinds iridescent light. The chirping of birds poured into the ears, mingled with the clash of droplets. We were invited into the dining room and was pleasantly surprised by the exquisite Breakfast - delicious oatmeal, bagels with chocolate and lime tea with honey. With a joyous mood, we went to spring forest. First it was a small birch grove, silver and charming. Through it shone a bright blue sky with fluffy white clouds bizarre shapes. Just beyond the grove began deciduous forest. And even now he was without leaves, dense thickets of various bushes between the mighty trunks of trees seemed to be a real thicket. Under my feet crunched dry, last year's branches and needles. When we entered, bright sunlight, the clearing, stood still with delight. Through the dry leaves broke the first, delicate snowdrops on elegant, emerald stalks. Raking leaves, we got to the young, tender grass, where tall placer these amazing spring flowers. Much enthralled and delighted us in this protected forest. Wonderful spring break has brought us closer to the native land and forced to think about the role of humans in nature.
Самая длинная третья четверть приближалась к концу. Весеннее солнышко заглядывало в большие окна класса, и ласково касалось своим теплом наших макушек. На переменах мы активно обсуждали планы на предстоящие весенние каникулы. В жарких спорах, как всегда, родилась истина – едем на экскурсию в заповедный лес. На рассвете мы уже уезжали из города под веселую, походную песню. Серые силуэты многоэтажек остались далеко позади, сменившись дачными участками, которые еще были покрыты грязным, сбитым в глыбы, снегом. Хмурый пейзаж не огорчал нас. Весеннее настроение бурлило в наших сердцах. Ближе к вечеру наш автобус подкатил к очень симпатичной турбазе на опушке леса. Мы выгрузились, поужинали и посидели у костра. Уставшие с дороги, мы мечтали выспаться. Яркие лучи утреннего солнца рассеивались сквозь жалюзи радужным сиянием. Щебет птиц вливался в уши вперемешку со звоном капели. Нас пригласили в столовую и приятно удивили изысканным завтраком – вкуснейшая овсянка, рогалики с шоколадом и липовый чай с медом. С радостным настроением мы отправились в весенний лес. Сначала это была небольшая березовая роща, белоствольная и чарующая. Сквозь нее просвечивало ярко-голубое небо с пушистыми, белоснежными облаками причудливых форм. Сразу за рощей начинался лиственный лес. И хоть сейчас он был без листьев, густые заросли всевозможных кустов между могучими стволами деревьев казалась настоящей чащей. Под ногами хрустели сухие ветки и хвоя. Когда мы вышли на, залитую ярким солнечным светом, поляну, то замерли от восторга. Сквозь сухие листья пробились первые, хрупкие подснежники на изящных, изумрудных стебельках. Разгребая листву, мы добрались до молодой, нежной травы, на которой рослы россыпи этих удивительных, весенних цветов. Еще многое приводило в восторг и восхищало нас в этом заповедном лесу. Замечательные весенние каникулы сблизили нас с родным краем и заставили задуматься о роли человека в природе.
1) We have been to the theatre.
2) I have painted the walls in my bedroom.
3) Richard has turned on the radio.
4) They have explained this rule to me.
5) Amy and Ron have gone to play tennis.
6) Molly has made a cup of tea.
7) His parents have gone to the market.
8) Nelly has typed three letters.
9) The parrot has flown away.
10) The students have prepared for the exams.
Past Simple
1) I went to the cinema yesterday.
2) I could ride a bicycle when I was seven years old.
3) Tom was very tired last week.
4) I used to have a lot of free time when I was young
5) He didn’t do anything to help me.
6) This city wasn’t founded by Peter the Great.
7) I didn’t have to pay for the meal.
8) My mum didn’t let me go to the party.
9) Did Suzan send you a text message yesterday?
10) Was your train late?
Удачи! :)