There are famous pyramids of Güímar on the island. Los Genesis is a very scenic place. There are a lot of cruise boats in numerous ports and harbours. They will take you to the open sea. If you are lucky you will be able to watch whales and dolphins. There are also some zoos and waterparks where both children and adults will have fun. Journey to Tenerife is definitely the one to remember
На острове находятся знаменитые пирамиды Гуимар. Лос-Гeнезис – очень живописное место. В многочисленных портах и гаванях стоит много круизных кораблей. На них можно отправиться в открытое море. Еслиш повезет, то вы сможете понаблюдать за китами и дельфинами. Здесь есть несколько зоопарков и аквапарков, где понравится и детям, и взрослым. Путешествие на Тенерифе определенно станет незабываемым
It was in the woods near the village in autumn, where four friends strolled.
They saw that there was a hole in the ground, started to dig.
The next day they returned to the woods, boys lit their torches and crawled into the small dark tunnel. But a boy who was at the front let out a loud gasp, everyone was amazed to see the walls covered with pictures of animals. The friends ran to school and told their teacher all about it.
Later their teacher asked the boys to stay behind after school. The expert had confirmed that the boys were the first modern people to lay eyes upon the famous Lascaux paintings, which were at least 17 centuries old. They felt really proud.
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