1.Theequipmentand spare parts are to be shi pped in export packing meeting the requirements of each particular type of equipment.
2. The packing is to secure full safety of the goods from any kind of damage and corrosion during transportation by sea, railway and combined transport. The packing shall be suitable for loading by crane, trucks and manually in so far as the weight and volume of individual packages allow.
Before packing,the equipment is to be protected with anticorrosive coating to protect it from any damage and corrosion in transit and to ensure storage during hot summer and cold winter.
3. The Sellers shall be responsible for any damage to or breakage of the goods that may be caused by poor packing or for corrosion, which may appear due to improper or insufficient coating,
4. The cases in which the equi pment is packed are to be marked on three sides: on the top of the case and two non-opposite sides.
5. The marking shall be clearly made with indelible paint in English and Russian as follows:
Contract No. Контракт №
Trans. No. Транс. №
Package No. Место №
Net/Gross weight in kg Вес нетто/брутто в кг
Case dimensions in cm Размеры места в см (length, width, height) (длина, ширина, высота)
6. All cases, which need special handling, must have an additional marking as well as other indications if specific handling of a particular case is required:
I’ve turned twelve this year. I’ve changed a lot and became older. I’ve changed my mind about everything especially live. I was thinking just about friends and how I wanted to walk somewhere earlier, but now I think about other people especially my mum and how I want to spend my time with her. I also have learned how to cook dinner dishes like cakes, cookies. It’s so good! That’s how I help my mum when she is busy. I became more serious about my education as well. I read a lot of books to study something new and increase my knowledge. A person develops and grows up each year. I’m going work hard to get a lot of new knowledge.
Helmet, bicycle, watch, guitar
Шлем, велосипед, часы, гитара