I remember my uncle Thomas very well. My mum says I can’t because I was a little girl, only three at the time. But my memories of him are still very vivid. Uncle Thomas was a sailor. When he returned from his last trip, he brought several large BOXES with him. Inside there WERE bits of wood, metal, and painted cloth. “What is it for?” I asked my uncle. He GAVE me a broad smile and said: “Have your breakfast first and then come to the backyard. You WILL SEE everything with your own eyes.” When I came to the backyard, Uncle Thomas WAS READING an instruction manual. It took all his attention because the manual WAS WRITTEN in Spanish, a language my uncle didn’t know very well. All in all, it took HIM a couple of weeks to assemble the object from the parts. To all my questions he said that it was a machine that COULD fly like a bird. I was probably the only one in the family who took his words seriously. They could never believe that soon we were going to see one of the FIRST airplane flights in the country.
I remember my uncle Thomas very well. My mum says I can’t because I was a little girl, only three at the time. But my memories of him are still very vivid. Uncle Thomas was a sailor. When he returned from his last trip, he brought several large BOXES with him. Inside there WERE bits of wood, metal, and painted cloth. “What is it for?” I asked my uncle. He GAVE me a broad smile and said: “Have your breakfast first and then come to the backyard. You WILL SEE everything with your own eyes.” When I came to the backyard, Uncle Thomas WAS READING an instruction manual. It took all his attention because the manual WAS WRITTEN in Spanish, a language my uncle didn’t know very well. All in all, it took HIM a couple of weeks to assemble the object from the parts. To all my questions he said that it was a machine that COULD fly like a bird. I was probably the only one in the family who took his words seriously. They could never believe that soon we were going to see one of the FIRST airplane flights in the country.
Моя любимая книга это ("название").Я купил её совершенно случайно,даже не думая. Когда я начал её читать, то полностью погрузился в чтение. Столько событий переплетались в единую линию,я не мог оторваться.
Главные герои моей книги это ( перечисли героев).У них разные характеристики. Одни из них злые,другие добрые. Мой любимый герой (Имя героя). Он очень (добрый,злой,храбрый,сильный,хитрый,красивый и.т.д -выбери подходящее). Еще есть второстепенные герои,но у них тоже своя роль,они дорисовывают сюжет в книге,а некоторые даже его меняют. Герой которого я недолюбливаю это ( имя героя,которого ты не любишь). Потому что он (напиши его плорхой поступок).Моя книга заканчивается (хорошо или плохо).(Если плохо то напиши свое отношение к концовке,например: мне было жаль главного героя в конце книги потому чтои.т.д.)(Если хорошо,то напиши свои чувства,например: Мне так понравилась концовка,я так рад что у них все хорошо и.т.д.)Я считаю свою книгу лучшей,и надеюсь ,что после этого сочинения её прочтет большее количество человек