Переведите, нужно по биологии meiosis now coil up coil up coil up tight if we`re to do meiosis right. interphase one is almost done marks the start of prophase one.now face your partners and to them bow do-sa-do crossover now. allemande left with your left hand promenade around the land now grab your partner`s chromatid crossing arms you`ll be glad you did. the nuclear membrane
breaks down here attach a fibre to your centromere. the fibres pull the dance is done hold on tight it`s metaphase one. couples move to the central plate it`s anaphase one so you separate. now wave goodbye to reach your goal each partner move to the other pole. telophase one is mighty sad you`re all alone lost what you had. together we`ll no longer be these parts of you will be dear to me. prophase,
prophase, prophase two the spindle`s coming after you. with a fibre stuck to your centromere you`re pulled into the centre here. on the central plate for metaphase two just like before it`s déjà vu. at interphase one you duplicate so that now you can separate. the fibres tugging this is it time for your chromatids to split. anaphase, anaphase , anaphase two this time you wave goodbye to you. at telophase
two half the team`s on hand you`re feeling sad you`re a single strand. now this is just your normal state with some luck you`ll procreate. so rest awhile and unwind too as the nuclear membrane surrounds you. now meiosis is complete four nuclei from one`s the treat. the cytoplasm will divide four gametes formed with you inside. and if we zoom out you will find many more of the same kind and if you`re
wondering what`s the use it`s all so you can reproduce… reproduce мейоз- это особый вид деления клетки, при котором число хромосом в дочерних клетках станов. гаплоидным
The world is full of animals [ðə wɜːld ɪz fʊl əv ˈænɪməlz ]
Some are big and tall [sʌm ɑː 'bɪg ənd 'tɔːl ]
Some are strong and dangerous [sʌm ɑː strɒŋ ənd ˈdeɪnʤrəs ]
Some are cute and small [sʌm ɑː kjuːt ənd smɔːl ]
All creatures are amazing [ɔːl ˈkriːʧəz ɑːr əˈmeɪzɪŋ ]
Just like me and you [ʤʌst laɪk miː ənd juː ]
Help protect the animals [help prəˈtɛkt ði ˈænɪməlz ]
This is their world, too [ðɪs ɪz ðeə wɜːld, tuː]
Animals are wonderful [ˈænɪməlz ɑː ˈwʌndəfʊl ]
They’re beautiful to see [ðeə ˈbjuːtəfʊl tə siː ]
Help them live a happy life [help ðəm lɪv ə ˈhæpi laɪf ]
Help them to be free [help ðəm tə biː friː]
Мир полон животных,
Некоторые большие и высокие,
Некоторые сильные и опасные,
Некоторые милые и маленькие.
Все существа изумительные
Так же, как я и ты.
защитить животных -
Это и их мир тоже.
Животные - замечательные,
На них приятно смотреть.
им жить счастливой жизнью,
им быть свободными!