One morning I woke up. I took a newspaper and saw in it my photo. I remembered yesterday when I nearly drowned. I hope in the future this will not happen again! Now all friends and acquaintances looked at me in a strange way. Перевод - Однажды утром я проснулся . Взял газету и увидел в ней своё фото. Я вспомнил вчерашний день когда я чуть не утонул. Надеюсь в будущем такого не повториться! Теперь все друзья и знакомые смотрели на меня как-то странно.
This new year we decided to celebrate at a party, in the country with friends. december 31 evening to collect gifts, loaded our firm salad "under a fur coat" and a cake "napoleon", dressed, sat in her old eight and drove off. they came in advance to help the hosts still have time to set the table. let's go, listen to christmas songs on the radio, the mood is festive. we left the city before giving another 70 kilometers, suddenly the machine makes some sounds "trrr-ni-ni" and stalls my husband is busy for a long time under the hood and in the end happily reports that the belt broke and the new year, we will meet on track .. but i do not know the first year of our eight, telephone tow truck is always at hand. tow truck arrives quickly, in just 40 minutes, the driver has not stopped, but the window screaming that he had a change of today is short, so it will carry us to where let's say, and much closer. lowly, go, repair shop, a man standing at the gate - closed, i shout something like "save-help, repair the car," the man doomed opens the gate. in the 15th minute of communication it turns out that the man - a classmate of her husband and lives on the street adjacent to the service. in the end, throw a repair machine and we go to visit. so in the new year miracles happen. we planned to celebrate the holiday with friends out of town, so did. and in this vacation i studied chinese calligraphy. however, i do not have a calligrapher, as a lefty, and professional writing characters only his right hand, holding the brush is strictly perpindikulyarno paper and hand exactly parallel. happiness in chinese sounds like "fu". i wish everyone in the new year fu.
1.Butter is made from milk. 2.The best tulips are grown in the Netherlands. 3. The Lada cars are produced in Tolyatti. 4. Warm winter sweaters are usually made of wool. 5. A.S Pushkin was born in 1799. Вопрос: 6. what pets are generally kept in cages? Каких домашних животных обычно(как правило) держат в клетках? ответ: 6. Hamsters are generally kept in cages. Хомяков обычно держат в клетках. 7. The English and the French languages are spoken in Canada. 8. The battle of Borodino was fought in 1812.