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Change into reported speech 4.the teacher said: "alaska is the largest state of the usa 5. dail said to anna: "i am going to berlin" 6.the teacher said: " london is the capital of great britain" 7."i shall finish my walk at 5 o'clock " ,he teacher said. 8. where are you from ? "he asked me " 9."what can you say about your english lesson ? " my friend asked me 10. "i shall have a walk if it doesn't rain today ", his sister said. 11."if i had enough money i would buy this bicycle ,"he said. 12. "if only i had time i would do the work myself ",she said.

1. the teacher said that Alaska was the largest state of the USA
2. Dail said to Ann that he was going to Berlin
3. The teacher said that London was the capital of Great Britain
4. I should finish my walk at 5 o'clock the teacher said
5. He asked me where was I from
6. my friend asked me what could I say about my Eng. lesson
7. Her sister said that she should have a walk if it didn't rain today
8. He said that if He had had enough money he would have bought this car
9. She said that if she had had time she would have done the work herself 
4,5(100 оценок)
4. The teacher said that Alaska is the largest state of the USA.
5. Dail told Ann that he was going to Berlin.
6. The teacher said that London is the capital of Great Britain.
7. The teacher said that he/she would finish his/her walk at 5 o'clock.
8. He asked me where I am from.
9. My friend asked me what I could say about my English lesson.
10. Her sister said that she would have a walk if it didn't rain that day.
11. He said that if he had had enough money he would have bought that car.
12. She said that if she had time she would do the work herself.
4,4(20 оценок)
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                       It was risky, but I knew that I wanted to try it
I am 24 years old and until recently I have never tried drugs. It so happened that all my friends and friends told me stories like they were cool, what jokes happened under the foolishness, etc., I became very interested, how is it?That came the day, we met with my friends in my apartment and decided to play poker, drink beer and blow. I was excited, it was interesting how I would see this world with a hilarious haze of the whole world, but it did not stop me, but rather spurred my desire to try ...At hand was SPICE (I was told that it was evil, chemistry, etc., but I wanted and thought that from one craving nothing bad would happen, I'm a boy big 100 kg of live weight). And now the hour of the IKS has come, one has scored, the other has blown up, the third one was I ... I dragged it once and heard from friends hold for 2 seconds and breathe out ... I exhaled ... leaned back in my chair and waited ... long to wait I did not have to, literally in 10 seconds I felt the whole body numb, and I'm no longer I, I want to grab my head - I can not, I want to call not help from cutting friends - I can not ... I can not and I fall, I fall deeply, this the most disgusting feeling that I just experienced! And everything was fixed, I shouted that I had to call an ambulance, it did not help, I wanted to get up, it did not help. Everything circled one cycle, one says something, then another, then a third friend, and again everything again, one second second and all the same ... I realized that I need to get rid of this, the brain worked fine, but I did not could. So I lived a milliards of cycles, a milliard of lives, losing the hope that I will ever be able to return, I realized that I am a universe, and I will never be what I was. I grew old morally, every time thinking about something, I caught myself thinking that I had already thought about this a thousand times, and for every guess I had already had an answer, because all this was. I lost hope and wanted to die, but could not. I could not stop the cycle, who says what and where is from time to time. and suddenly the cyclicity broke off, I saw the sequel as the guys are already dressing and going home, I heard everything, saw, but could not return to them, I dreamed that it would all stop, but ... the cycle began to repeat I had time and hate these guys that were nearby, and fall in love because they do not like anyone and never, if only they were close and did not go away. I tried to do something, sometimes it was possible, but I already was so much the same that I did not attach any importance to it, I thought that I had long since died. I only wanted that nobody left this room, did not leave me alone with my thoughts, I was terribly scared, I would never have thought that you could be so afraid of your thoughts, and then I let go. the first thing I asked was "how much time has passed?" I was told that 2 hours ...So the guys, I've been jittered for 2 days already, but the truth is I came to, or I'm still there, where a friend holds a bulb and I turned off for a second, and did not live a milliard of years seeing the same episode of my life. And when they showed me the record from the phone, I jumped at every word, because I remember all that, and at that moment I dreamed of returning to them, but I could not.My advice to all, do not even try to try drugs, especially spice. I certainly will never again. I do not want to lose the ability to LIVE
4,8(94 оценок)
Acid rain
The problem starts here. Cars burn petrol, factories and power stations burn coal and emit toxic fumes. So, the air that we breathe becomes polluted.
This pollution gathered in clouds and with the oxygen and water in the atmosphere it becomes acid. The winds carry the polluted clouds across long distaces, far away. When it rain, this pollutin lands on trees, houses, buildings, cars, clothes, everywhere.
When acid rain falls into lakes, streams, rivers and seas, they become toxic. This is water pollution and it harms, kills or wipes out fish and plant species. When acid rain flows throught the soil, it poisons trees and plants. Many natural habitats are in danger. By keeping endangered species of animals in reserves, we make sure thet they survive. But we need to do more! I hope that animals should live in an as natural enviroment as possible and we must do our best to protect them and their habitats.
4,5(4 оценок)
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