Change into reported speech 4.the teacher said: "alaska is the largest state of the usa 5. dail said to anna: "i am going to berlin" 6.the teacher said: " london is the capital of great britain" 7."i shall finish my walk at 5 o'clock " ,he teacher said. 8. where are you from ? "he asked me " 9."what can you say about your english lesson ? " my friend asked me 10. "i shall have a walk if it doesn't rain today ", his sister said. 11."if i had enough money i would buy this bicycle ,"he said. 12. "if only i had time i would do the work myself ",she said.
2. Dail said to Ann that he was going to Berlin
3. The teacher said that London was the capital of Great Britain
4. I should finish my walk at 5 o'clock the teacher said
5. He asked me where was I from
6. my friend asked me what could I say about my Eng. lesson
7. Her sister said that she should have a walk if it didn't rain today
8. He said that if He had had enough money he would have bought this car
9. She said that if she had had time she would have done the work herself