Fill in the blanks with the corresponding words given below: valves, heart, ventricle, chambers, capillaries, septum, mitral valve, atrium, organ.
1. The centre of the circulatory system us the heart.
2. The heart is a hollow muscular organ which has four chambers.
3. The heart is divided into separate right and left parts by the septum.
4. Each of these parts has the ventricle and the atrium.
5. The valves are located at the entrance and exit of each ventricle.
6. We call the valve that separates the chambers the atrium and the ventricle the mitral valve.
7. The walls of the arteries and veins are thicker than those of the capillaries.
Read the text and fill in the following words:
Atrium, blood, capillaries, circuit (2), fluid, heart, lungs, pump, side, systemic, tissues, ventricle, vessels.
The human cardiovascular system consists of the heart, the blood vessels, and blood.
The --heart--- is a muscular organ lying slightly to the left of the middle of the chest between two ---lungs---.
The heart acts as a ---pump--, which pumps blood round two independent circuits: the pulmonary---circuit--- and the systemic ---circuit---. The right side of the heart, consisting of the right atrium and the right ventricle sends blood--- into the lungs. The left side consisting of the left ---atrium--- and left ---ventricle--- and sending blood throughout the whole body, pumps with more force than the right ventricle.
The ---systemic--- circuit is much larger , so the left ---side of the heart is stronger and thicker than the right.
There are three kinds of blood ---vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries. Arteries are vessels carrying blood away from the heart. Veins are vessels carrying blood from the --tissues-- to the heart. The blood vessels are supplied with nerves . --Capillaries--- are tiny vessels which connect the smallest arteries and veins. In the capillaries the blood is moving along at the rate half a millimetre per second.
Blood is the --fluid--- circulating through the heart , arteries, capillaries,and veins. The order of blood flow is: HEART- ARTERIES –CAPILLARIES – VEINS – HEART.
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