1) он выглядит очень свежо и хорошо! Когда я смотрю на него я всегда улыбаюсь. 2) Он весел и дружелюбен ко всем, всегда старшим и не обижает малышей. 3) Он аккуратен в своих делах, когда он принимается за какое-либо дело, то всегда делает это бережно.
1)__What___ kind of car have you got? 2)__What_ is your favorite sport? 3)___Which__ ocean is bigger-the Atlantic or the Pacific? 4)___Whose__ book is this? Is it yours? 5)___Where__ are you from? Are you English? 6)___When__ do you usually have your summer holiday? Do you have it in August? 7)__Why___ are you in bed? Are you ill? 8)___How__ do you go to work? Do you go by car? 9)__How old___ is your friend? Is he over 21? 10)__How tall___ are you? Are you over 1 meter 80? 11)___How many__ children have you got? 12)___How much__ were your shoes? Were they expensive? 13)How often_ do you go to the cinema? Do you go more than once a week? 14)How long_ have you lived in this town? Have you been here for very long?
1. The dinner will be cooked soon. Wash your hands and come to the kitchen. 2. The boy will be helped with his homework if he has difficulties. 3. The story has been translated into many languages. 4. Students’ tests were corrected last Wednesday. 5. He was given useful advice. 6. The jacket was bought some days ago. 7. The story will be published in the magazine next month. 8. Jane is usually invited to take part in different sporting activities. 9. At the age of 12 Winston Churchill was sent to Eton to get good education. 10. Englishd is spoken in many countries of the world.
2) Он весел и дружелюбен ко всем, всегда старшим и не обижает малышей.
3) Он аккуратен в своих делах, когда он принимается за какое-либо дело, то всегда делает это бережно.