Ну вроде так) 1 1Pollution of the atmosphere, 2Depletion of the ozone layer, 3Acid rain, 4Air pollution, 5Garbage and waste 6Pollution of natural waters 7Pollution of the marine environment 2 I need to take care about the environment, organize funds, care of the trees do gardening its region and try to explain to people that it is very important to maintain the purity of
Ну вроде так) 1 1Pollution of the atmosphere, 2Depletion of the ozone layer, 3Acid rain, 4Air pollution, 5Garbage and waste 6Pollution of natural waters 7Pollution of the marine environment 2 I need to take care about the environment, organize funds, care of the trees do gardening its region and try to explain to people that it is very important to maintain the purity of
Johnny Canunk is eighteen. When he was thirteen, he was angry. When he was fifteen, he was very naughty.