Трафальгальская Площадь находиться в самом центре Лондона. Но про нее знают во всем мире. Площадь знаменита благодаря Нэльсонской Колонны. На ней расположены 4 льва. Также на площади вы увидите прелестные фонтаны и исторические монументы. Когда погода хорошая на ней собирается много туристов. Они гуляют по площади и делают фотографии. В декабре в центре площади ставят рождественскую елку высотой 50 метров. Это означает канун нового года. На площади проходят фестивали. Каждый может принять участие в ярмарке. Вопрос: What is beginning?
Hi, James It was very nice to hear from you. Sorry for nor answering for so long - it was something i had to do with my relatives. You know, i was always wondering about to meet another countries, such as Australia or USA. All this wonders i can consider make me so dreamy that im close to hire a taxi and go the closest airport. But i actually can't. And what is the reason for? Firstly, i have no opportunity to get out of my city until i will be eighteen. But in fact, it is not over. I can not imagine the way how i will get such money to buy a ticket to the foreign airport, to book a room in the hotel and finally to provide myself with everydays travel. It is very expensive on the daily basis. Secondly, i have no rights to leave my side along - in law, my parents has to go with me. Finally, im kind of fear to be alone in the unknown place. However, i am extremely dreaming about meeting USA - to get a american flag for souvenir, to visit Mount Rashmore with its presidents landscape images. All of this is great, but now i have no chance to bring it to life. To be honest, i still have some todays doings, so i have to go. It is very nice to feed your back. Anthony
Я не курю.
He did not smoke.
Он не курил.
They are not expected to come.
Не ожидается, что они придут.
They have not been invited.
Их не приглашали.
She has not come.
Она не пришла.