Kate has got a pet bird! The bird is a parrot. He always sais bad words. He is very colorful. One time he flew to the shop and started swearing. He got caught by a person, and he got killed, and he was eaten. So dont swear!
I have a budgie. He has name is Tosha, he have blue wings, white and blue tummy, on his head there is a white topknot – this is very pretty bird. The budgie likes to sing and play with a bell every morning. Tosha loves to eat apples, if I give him a piece, he is flying on my hand and together we look out of the window. When I come home from school, Tosha is always glad to see me and jump on his cage. In the summer, I went to my grandmother and left Tosha with parents. The budgie very missed me very much, so I decided to buy him a girlfriend. So, Rita lives with us now. Rita is a bright-yellow budgie. She is a very smart bird. Now i know that Tosha is a happy bird and he will not miss me so much when i leave him and go to see my grandmother. Rita and Tosha are very cute and funny parrots. I love them very much!
Перевод текста с английского на русский:
У меня живет волнистый попугай. Его зовут Тоша, у него синие крылья и бело-голубой животик, а на голове белая шапочка – это очень красивая птичка. Попугаю нравится петь по утрам и играть с колокольчиком. Тоша очень любит яблоки, если я ему даю кусочек, он летит мне на руку, и мы вместе смотрим в окно. Когда я прихожу домой со школы, Тоша всегда очень радуется мне и прыгает по клетке. Летом я уехал к бабушке и оставил Тошу с родителями. Попугайчик очень скучал по мне, поэтому я решил купить ему подругу. Теперь с нами живет ярко желтая Рита. Она очень умная птичка. Тоша счастлив, и я знаю, что мой волнистый попугай не грустит, когда я уезжаю к бабушке. Рита и Тоша очень веселые и смешные попугайчики и я их очень люблю!
At 9 o'clock 07 minutes 12 April 1961 was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (to the east of the Aral Sea) on a spaceship "Vostok" (weight - 4725 kg, orbital period -. 89.1 minutes, the maximum distance from the Earth - 302 km). After 108 min. Gagarin space flight safely landed on the left bank of the Volga River near the village of Smelovka Tarnovo district of Saratov region (20 km south-west from the city of Engels). His flight Gagarin 3 set new world records: altitude in space, duration of flight in space and carrying capacity of the spacecraft with a man on board. Gagarin's flight was marked as a historic event peoples of the world. Gagarin was awarded the title Hero of Socialist Labor of Czechoslovakia, and Bulgaria. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the 6th convocation.
The bird is a parrot. He always sais bad words. He is very colorful.
One time he flew to the shop and started swearing. He got caught by a person, and he got killed, and he was eaten. So dont swear!