Dear Emily, I am sorry I haven’t written for such a long time but I was very busy with my exams. How are you? I like your choice to be an actress. And I know that you are very talented and you’ll become a famous actress.
As for my plans I always wanted to be a singer. You know that I love singing. But unfortunately I often have a sore throat, and the doctor said that it was impossible. So I decided to be a teacher of English. I study English and German and this is what I like as much as singing.
To be ready for my future profession, firstly, I listen to English songs and watch English movies. Secondly, I learn words when I’m walking along the street or even cycling. But the most important thing is language practice. I try to speak to native speakers if I have such an opportunity wherever I am.
If I want to be a successful teacher I have to be communicative. Moreover I must love children and love to work with them and, of course, I have to understand children’s behavior.
Hope to hear from you soon. Drop me a line, please. And give my regards to your family.
1. Твоя школа большая или маленькая? Где она расположена? 2. Есть ли спорт площадка рядом со школой? 3. Сколько этажей в твоей школе? 4. Есть ли у тебя классы для младшей школы? 5. Где находятся эти классы? 7. В твоей школе есть библиотека или нет? 8. Ходишь ли ты в библиотеку? 9. Что ты увидишь если посмотришь вокруг библиотеки? 10. Почему ученики ходят в гимназию? 11. Где находятся классы для средней школы? 12. Есть ли в твоей школе компьютерные классы? В 7 вопросе проверь, правильно ли ты написал(—а)