The head of a cat round. On his head sticking out small sensitive ears. His eyes seemed to split in the middle. This narrow gap widens in the dark, which helps the cat to see better.All the cat's body is soft, flexible. The tail is long and bushy. The legs are short, but strong. Each finger is armed with a sharp curved claw. The cat knows how to make his velvet paw. It cleverly hides claws to not dim. He walks on the fingers, but the claws on the floor does not knock.Cat jumps high and climbing. It is accurate, does not like moisture and dirt. It is tied to their children and protect them bravely. Cat longer accustomed to the house than to a man. Голова у кошки круглая. На голове торчат небольшие чуткие ушки. Глаза как будто расколоты посередине. Эта узкая щель расширяется в темноте, что кошке лучше видеть. Всё тело кошки мягкое, гибкое. Хвост длинный и пушистый. Ноги короткие, но сильные. Каждый палец вооружён острым выгнутым когтем. Кошка умеет сделать свою лапу бархатной. Она ловко прячет когти, чтобы не притупились. Ходит на пальцах, но когтями по полу не стучит. Кошка высоко прыгает и лазает по деревьям. Она аккуратная, не любит сырости и грязи. Она привязана к своим детям и отважно их защищает. Кошка больше привыкает к дому, чем к человеку.
Sushi and I want to do with the first thing tomorrow night and I think you could get it done with my phone to be in the morning so I have no idea why is that I have no clue who was the first time that you have any.Wh you can get the first time that a good idea.I have to say I don't.h you have any idea why .H as well as the first time I.I think you could be.U know what I can.G and I think you.U have no.H I want a-heh heh heh heh heh I'm gonna be there in about an old man and woman is a good night baby I have been the case of an emergency