Я детектив Ковальский. Наше преступление было совершено вчера вечеров к мадам Пос незнакомые ей люди. Начали расспрашивать где, её муж, но мадам Пос не была за мужем, и после десяти минутного разговора её обокрали: украшения, деньги, еду. На следующий день всё повторилось. Тогда мадам Пос на 3 день уехала из города, а нам рассказав что было и я с напарником Беком отправился к ней домой. И мы поймали этих жалких воришек, ими оказались 5 подросков- нищей. Дело расскрыто, а преступники в детдоме. Willow Kowalski. Our crime was committed yesterday evening to Madame Poz came from unfamiliar people. They began to ask where her husband was, but Madame Pose was not with her husband, and after ten minutes of conversation she was robbed: decorations, money, food. The next day, everything happened again. Then Madame Pose left town on the 3rd day, and telling us what happened and I went with her partner Bek to her house. And we caught these wretched thieves, they turned out to be 5 podroskov-beggar. The case is uncovered, and the criminals in the orphanage.
1) (Doing) his homework, he was thinking hard. 2) (Having done) his homework, he went for a walk. 3) (Selling) fruit, he looked back from time to time, hoping to see his friends. 4) (Having sold) all the fruit, he went to see his friends. 5) (Having eaten) all the potatoes, she drank a cup of tea. 6) (Drinking) tea, she scalded her lips. 7) (Running) in the yard, I fell and hurt my knee. 8) (Looking) through some magazines, I came across an interesting article about UFOs. 9) (Having written) out and (learnt) all the new words, he was able to translate the text easily. 10) (Having read) the story she closed the book and put it on the table
Today we ate with the whole crab family, it was very tasty.
Сегодня мы ели со всей семьей крабов, это было очень вкусно.
I was wounded by a crab today.
Сегодня я был ранен крабом.
I watched the crabs on the beach.
Я наблюдал за крабами на пляже.