Read the text again and write
true or false. correct the false
1) 21 people met at the
earth summit.
2) sustainable development
means environmentally
friendly development.
3) using public transport is
better for the environment
than driving.
4) it's difficult to contribute to
local agenda 21.
5) local agenda 21 can only
be successful if a lot of
people help.
6) people don't need the help
of local councils.
Представь, что вы сделали в комнате изменения. Нарисуй картинки. Напиши, что ты изменил. Опиши эти вещи. Используй глаголы из рамочки.(перекрасить, красить, украсить, поставить)
I have painted the door light-brown
I have put my wardrobe on the left near the bookcase
I have painted the floor orange.
I have decorated the wall with the carpet.
I have repainted the floor light-brown.
I have put the carpet on the floor near the wardrobe.
I have put my bed near the desk.
I have put my desk near the window.