1 A: What do you usually have for breakfast? B: I like to have some scrambled eggs and a piece of toast. 2 A: Have we got everything we need to make the lemon pie? B: Let me see. We've got some flour and a big lemon, but there are no eggs, so we should buy some from the market. 3 A: I'd like some information about the gym's opening hours and fees. B: Certainly. Here's a brochure with all the details you need. 4. A: The new Indian restaurant has never got any free tables! B: I know. It's really popular, but you'll have no trouble if you call to book a table first. 5 A: This pasta sauce is great! What's in it? B: An onion, some garlic and a variety of herbs and spices. 6 A: There aren't any biscuits left. B: There should be some in the top cupboard, why don't you check?
1)My boss told me to pull my fingers out - мой босс сказал мне перестать лениться и заняться работой
2)he was on a roll in that competition - он был в ударе на том соревновании
3)my dad's friend nailed all his life difficulties - друг моего отца справился со всеми своими жизненными трудностями
4)I didn't know this word definitions so I looked them up in the dictionary - я не знал определений этого слова, поэтому поискал их в словаре
5)I caught up with curriculum I missed during my illnes - я нагнал учебную программу, которую пропустил в время болезни