as... as = так(ой) же... как
not as... as = не так/настолько... как
1. Eating fruit and vegetables in healthier than eating chocolate. Есть фрукты и овощи здоровее, чем есть шоколад.
=> Eating chocolate is NOT AS healthy AS eating fruit and vegetables. Есть шоколад НЕ ТАК полезно, КАК есть есть овощи и фрукты.
2. I can write quicker than you. Я могу писать быстрее тебя.
=> You can't write AS quickly AS I can. Ты не можешь писать ТАК ЖЕ быстро, КАК я.
3. Dolphins are more intelligent than whales. Дельфины умнее китов.
=> Whales are NOT AS intelligent AS dolphins. Киты НЕ НАСТОЛЬКО умные, КАК дельфины.
4. Spain and Greece are both very hot in the summer. И в Испании, и в Греции очень жарко летом.
=> Spain is AS hot AS Greece in the summer. Летом Испания ТАКАЯ ЖЕ жаркая, КАК и Греция.
5. Travelling by plane in faster than going by train. Лететь на самолете быстрее, чем ехать на поезде.
=> Going by train is NOT AS fast AS travelling by plane. Ехать поездом НЕ ТАК быстро, КАК лететь самолетом.
6. Playing basketball is more exciting than collecting stamps. Играть в баскетбол веселее, чем собирать марки.
=> Collecting stamps is NOT AS exciting AS playing basketball. Собирать марки НЕ НАСТОЛЬКО весело, КАК играть в баскетбол.
7. Josh's brother is cleverer than he is. Брат Джоша умнее чем он.
=> Josh is NOT AS clever AS his brother. Джош НЕ ТАКОЙ умный, КАК его брат.
Надеюсь, понятно.
1 задание:
0 А
1 В
2 В
3 А
2 задание:
Choose the correct words in italics in the text.
1. have begun
2. have grown
3. taught
4. took
5. finished
6. have organised
7. did
8. provided
3 задание:
Complete the conversation. Use the verbs in the correct tense.
1. I have
2. I've done two
3. Have you done
4. Have you completed
5. I have
6. Finished
4 задание:
Use the words below to write information about yourself.
2. I went on an activity holiday. It was adventuring. It was a few weeks ago. We went in a small town in mountains. We also were hiking.
3. I've visited a foreign country 2 times. It was Spain.
2 broken
3 hurting shoes
4 washed
5 drinking
6 prescribed