1) Businessman must be flexible of mind and adaptable to change. 2,3) He needs not so much a specialised knowledge of today's business practice as the qualities of mind and the basic knowledge that will make it possible for him to understand the new business situation and adapt himself to the new business world. 4) Organizational skill, problem-solving ability, imagination, a rational approach to the use of resources, wideness of respective, and a sense of social responsibility. 5) The knowledge and skills in the field of human relations should be included in the range of a manager's activities. 6) The manager who actually deals with people, every day must be quite knowledgeable in the field of psychology. 7) He must be competent in the area of human behaviour.
Климатически Техас представляет две зоны: на юге (вдоль побережья) климат субтропический, жаркий; в центральной и северной частях климат континентальный с жарким летом и прохладной зимой (средняя температура января от 1 до 15 °C, июля от 25 до 30 °C). Осадки убывают по направлению с востока на запад от 1000—1300 мм до 200—300 мм в год. Для Техаса характерны частые смерчи («торнадо») в центральной части и эпизодические тропические циклоны на побережье, приводящие к серьёзному ущербу. как-то так,надеюсь что правильно)
of mind and adaptable to change.
2,3) He needs not so much a specialised knowledge
of today's business practice as the qualities of mind and the basic knowledge
that will make it possible for him to understand the new business situation and
adapt himself to the new business world.
4) Organizational skill, problem-solving
ability, imagination, a rational approach to the use of resources, wideness of
respective, and a sense of social responsibility.
5) The knowledge and skills in the field of human
relations should be included in the range of a manager's activities.
6) The manager who
actually deals with people, every day must be quite knowledgeable in the field
of psychology.
7) He must be competent in the area of human behaviour.