ответ:I don't have a favorite genre or direction. In different periods of my life, I preferred different books. Once it was the classic detective stories of Arthur Conan Dyle, but this does not mean that years later I will not be enthusiastically reading the adventures of Sir Sherlock Holmes, the book should match the mood. After the "detective" period, the hour of the epic “Gone with the Wind " came, where the fate of the main character is closely intertwined with the war in America, in this mood I smoothly switched to the heavy dramas of Remarque, and then to domestic fiction.I can say that I don't really like fantasy, but not because it's a bad genre, but because I can't keep track of the whole scale of the action. To take a specific example “the "Lord of the Rings" is still mastered, but the adventures of Bilbo Baggins himself have already caused a lot of questions, during which I had to print out a map of Middle-Earth with explanations, because I am completely given to the process and can not read the book "on top". Although the series about the misfortunes of the witcher Andrzej Sapkowski was read in one breath, as well as Roland's path to the Dark Tower of Stephen King.
I was very impressed by the books of alternative authors, such as Chuck Palahniuk, Irvine Welsh, Anthony Burgis. These books are not for everyone, but they have their own style and deep philosophy.
1) My friends was talking to the teacher when I saw him. ( Мій друг розмовляв з учителем коли я його побачив )
2) Our friends was discussing something when we interrupted them. ( Наші друзі щось обговорювали, коли ми їх перебили. )
3) She was watering the flowers while her husband was watching TV. ( Вона поливала квіти, поки її чоловік дивився телевізор)
4) As he crossed the road, he slipped and fell. ( Переходячи дорогу, він послизнувся і впав. )
5) He stopped when a police officer ordered him to do so. ( Він зупинився, коли поліцейський наказав йому це зробити. )
6) What were you doing when I called you yesterday? ( Що ти робив, коли я вчора тобі дзвонив? )
7) When I came in, the cat sleeped in the armchair. ( Коли я зайшов, кіт спав у кріслі. )
8) The ancient Romans ate a large amount of dairy products ( Стародавні римляни їли велику кількість молочного продукту )
9) At 6 o'clock Mr. Smith was standing near the subway station. ( О 6 годині Сміт стояв біля станції метро. )
10) The airplane crashed and then exploded. ( Літак розбився, а потім вибухнув )
It 2 is very scary film when, you can test yourself.Pennywise is scary clown who can kill you in any moment.In the next part actors already 20 years old or more.Bewerly,Ben,Bill and others will go to fight with clown again.I can say ,they will have,what story to tell you.Characters are very bold ,fight with killer clown will be not everyone.
Сори что так мало(Я фильм не смотрел)