1. Complete the sentences with THE where necessary.
1. — New York has a population of 16 million people. What's the population of — Ukraine?
2. The Yangtze is the longest river in Asia. It is 6,380 km long.
3. The largest lake in the North America is — Lake Superior.
4. The capital of — India is —New Delhi.
5. The highest mountain in Africa is — Kilimanjaro. It is 5,895 m high.
6. What is the capital of the USA?
7. The Mediterranean Sea is the sea between — Africa and — Europe.
8. The Rocky Mountains are the mountain range in the west of North America.
2. Put in THE where necessary and answer the questions.
1. Is — Asia bigger than — Europe? Yes, it is.
2. Is — Mount Fuji in — Japan? Yes, it is.
3. Do people in — Brazil speak — Portuguese? Yes, it is.
4. Is the Pacific Ocean the biggest ocean? Yes, it is.
5. Where is the Mediterranean Sea? Between Europe and Afric.
6. Is the Mississippi longer than the Nile? No, it isn’t.
7. How many states are there in the USA?
8. Is — Vienna the capital of — Poland? No, it isn’t.
9. Is — Lake Superior the biggest lake in — Europe? No, it isn’t.
10. How many countries does the United Kingdom consist of? The UK consists of four countries.
1)Ann bought black shoes three days ago. (стверджувальний);
Ann didn't buy black shoes three days ago. (заперечений);
Did Ann buy black shoes three days ago?.
2)We ate all sweets yesterday. (стверджувальний);
We didn't eat all sweets yesterday. (заперечений);
Did we eat all sweets yesterday? (питальній);
3)He slept too long last morning. (стверджувальний);
He didn't sleep too long last morning. (заперечений);
Did he sleep too long last morning? (питальній).
Past Simple – простое время. Оно используется, если событие произошло в определенное время в и не продолжается в настоящем.
Чтобы образовать Past Simple, нужно употребить вторую форму глагола. У большинства глаголов она образуется путем добавления окончания “-ed” к инфинитиву. Если глагол заканчивается на “e“, добавляется просто “d“, если глагол заканчивается “y“, то она заменяется на “i” перед ):
Отрицательные и вопросительные предложения в Past Simple строятся с добавления формы времени глагола “to do – did” и инфинитива смыслового глагола.
no, they don't study german
they study english