My brother was at home yesterday? Мой брат был дома вчера? The lecture was interesting yesterday? Лекция вчера была интересная? It was cold yesterday? Вчера было холодно? Mary was on holiday last month? Мэри была в отпуске в месяце? She was a schoolgirl in 2005? Она была школьницей в 2005 году?
Max and Alex were ill two days ago? Макс и Алекс болели два дня назад. ? Were you ill last week? Вы болели на неделе? We were in Paris last year? Мы были в Париже в году? My sister and I were in time? Моя сестра и я пришли вовремя? Max and Mary were busy? Макс и Мери были заняты?
Are they looking for a new house? Are they looking for a new house or a flat? Who is looking for a new house? What are they are looking for? They are looking for a new house, aren't they?
Will we start a new project next month? Will we start a new project next month or new year? Who will start a new project next month? When will we start a new project next month? We will start a new project next month, won't we?
Did the team lose in the last match? Did the team lose or win in the last match? Who lost in the last match? What match did the team lose? The team lost in the last match, didn't it?
The lecture was interesting yesterday? Лекция вчера была интересная?
It was cold yesterday? Вчера было холодно?
Mary was on holiday last month? Мэри была в отпуске в месяце?
She was a schoolgirl in 2005? Она была школьницей в 2005 году?
Max and Alex were ill two days ago? Макс и Алекс болели два дня назад. ?
Were you ill last week? Вы болели на неделе?
We were in Paris last year? Мы были в Париже в году?
My sister and I were in time? Моя сестра и я пришли вовремя?
Max and Mary were busy? Макс и Мери были заняты?
Как-то так