English language is necessary for everyone. Without it will not get raise the ladder, you can not understand the installation of computer programs that do not understand, about what is sung in a favorite song. It is definitely motivating. But for me, much more important to enjoy teaching. It is hard to describe my state when you realize that something really teach a child, teenager, adult. Few have experienced the feeling of satisfaction and pride - a well-deserved pride and satisfaction that can not be compared with anything! Very process of teaching includes four aspects: quality, interest, discipline and sincerity. In my case, always outweighs the latter: I love to laugh with his disciples and telling funny stories about themselves, discuss precisely the topics that interest them, sing their favorite songs, watch their favorite movies, spend time with them outside the classroom, to put the "hearts" under their photographs. Through this training takes place with pleasure and even the boring stuff gets interesting.
2) I have lost
3) Has been
4) Gave
5) Has painted
6) Did you visit
7) Has lived
8) Have you watched
9) Have you ever been
10) Died