Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень каждого прилагательного.sunny, fat, nice, tall, bad, beautiful, green large interesting happy good hot warm weak little fantastic
Sunny sunnier the sunniest Fat fatter the fattest Nice nicer the nicest Tall taller the tallest Bad worse the worst Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful Green greener the greenest Large larger the largest Interesting more interesting the most interesting Happy happier the happiest Good better the best Hot hotter the hottest Warm warmer the warmest Weak weaker the weakest Little less the least Fantastic more fantastic the most fantastic
1 It’s the first time I have ever eaten octopus! 2 Sandy has not seen his sister since she went to university. 3 They have gone on holiday to Spain and won’t be back until the end of the month. 4 Poor Marusya! She has been writing that essay for hours now and she stillhasn’t finished! 5 Have you ever met) anyone famous? 6 I have been trying to get in touch with Jenny all morning, but I can’t find heranywhere. 7 I have not finished the book yet so I can’t tell you what happens. 8 Have you already decided where you’re going this summer? 9 We have lived have been living) here for the last six years. 10 I have never heard such nonsense!
Being not an early riser, I always get up at 7.30. Then I go to the bathroom to have a shower and to clean my teeth. At 8 o’clock I have breakfast. It usually consists of two sandwiches, an egg and a cup of tea or coffee. After that I get dressed and left home for the university (school, office). As a rule, it takes me half an hour to get there. My study (work) begins at 9 a.m. and ends at 4 or 5 p.m. I have lunch at about midday. On the way home I visit a neighboring store to buy some food. When I get home I cook dinner. Then I have a meal. In the evening I usually have a rest, watching TV or reading books. Sometimes I play computer games or surf the Net. At 10 o’clock I prepare for sleep. I go to bed at half past 10 or at 11 p.m.
Fat fatter the fattest
Nice nicer the nicest
Tall taller the tallest
Bad worse the worst
Beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful
Green greener the greenest
Large larger the largest
Interesting more interesting the most interesting
Happy happier the happiest
Good better the best
Hot hotter the hottest
Warm warmer the warmest
Weak weaker the weakest
Little less the least
Fantastic more fantastic the most fantastic