я вам перевела на но не ответила на вопросы
вопросы модуль 4 (в отпуске)
какими из праздничных мероприятий вы хотели бы заняться следующим летом? какие из праздничных мероприятий вы делали прошлым летом ? что вы обычно делаете / не делаете в отпуске? есть ли в россии национальные парки? какие достопримечательности есть в москве? с какими проблемами люди могут столкнуться во время каникул? были ли у вас какие-либо из этих проблем? вы когда - нибудь ходили в поход? тебе понравилось? как вы думаете, кто ответственный турист?I. Fill in the gaps with SOME or ANY.
1. Is there any milk in my tea?
2. Have you got any money?
3. Is there any hot meat on the table?
4. There are some people in the park.
5. Does he have any sugar?
6. Are there any pencils in the box?
7. I will buy some bananas tomorrow.
8. I don’t drink any milk. I like tea and juice.
II. Make the sentences negative and interrogative.
1. I don't drink much water every day.
Do I drink much water every day?
2. I can't see many birds in the field.
Can I see many birds in the field?
3. There aren't many streets in Moscow.
Are there many streets in Moscow?
4. There isn't much bread at home.
Is there much bread at home?
III. Translate the words into English and choose the right variant.
1. Сколько книг How many books are there on your table?
2.Сколько машин How many cars can you see in the street?
3. Сколько молока How much milk do you like in your coffee?
4. Сколько денег How much money do you have?
5. Сколько фруктов How much friut do you eat every day?
6. Сколько деревьев How many trees are there in your garden?
IV. Translate the following into English. Use: MANY, MUCH, FEW, LITTLE.
1. мало чая - little tea 6. много золота - much gold
2. много машин - many cars 7. много людей - many people
3. мало снега - little snow 8. мало комнат - few rooms
4. мало птиц - few birds 9. мало мороженого - little ice-cream
5. много самолётов - many (a lot of) planes
10. много денег - much money
V. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.
1. There is some water in my cup.
2. I have got no pets.
3. There isn’t any apples on the table.
4. There isn’t juice at home.
5. There aren’t books in my bag.
6. Is there any balls under your bed?
7. There are some sweets in the box.
8. Is there any ham on the table?
9. I won’t buy sausage, we have some.
10. Does Mary want any fruit?