На английском:
Phrase: "Home.Sweet home " is very suitable for my home! My house is very beautiful and cozy! We have many rooms and two floors. I even have my own room. There are a lot of interesting things in it! Next to the house we have a gazebo. And I really like to drink tea there. From the Windows of the house you can see a beautiful view. I really like my house!
Фраза:"Дом.Милый дом" очень подходит к моему дому! Мой дом очень красивый и уютный! У нас много комнат и два этажа. У меня даже есть своя комната. В ней много всего интересного! Рядом с домом у нас есть беседка. И я очень люблю там пить чай. Из окон дома виднеется красивый вид. Мне очень нравится мой дом!
Предложения указаны в порядке "утвердительное - отрицательное - вопросительное".
1. I will do morning exercises. I won't do morning exercises. Will I do morning exercises?
2. He will work at a factory. He won't work at a factory. Will he work at a factory?
3. She will sleep after dinner. She won't sleep after dinner. Will she sleep after dinner?
4. We will work part-time. We won't work part-time. Will we work part-time?
5. They will drink tea every day. They won't drink tea every day. Will they drink tea every day?
6. Mike will be a student. Mike won't be a student. Will Mike be a student?
7. Helen will have a car. Helen won't have a car. Will Helen have a car?
8. You will be a good friend. You won't be a good friend. Will you be a good friend?
9. You will be good friends. You won't be good friends. Will you be good friends?
10. It will be difficult to remember everything. It won't be difficult to remember everything. Will it be difficult to remember everything?
Хорошего дня! с:
In height, this rare representative of the breed "English mastiff" waved well, too - at 94 cm. At one time, Zorba lived on the globe and St. Bernard Benedict, who was almost up to 140 kg.
By the way, it is the St. Bernards and Mastiffs who are recognized as the largest canine breeds.
Not by weight, but according to their growth, they are still superior to the Danish mastiffs and Irish wolfhounds, also considered giants in the canine world.
In autumn of 2014, to the great chagrin of his masters, this perishable world, aged, left the blue mastiff Zeus: to his last days he proudly wore the title "The biggest dog in the world".
The dog grew to almost 112 cm (from the paws to the withers), and getting up on the hind legs, he could easily throw balls into the basket, as he reached the basketball parameters - 2 m 23 cm