1. flows
2. live
3. stays
4. is raining
5. I’m leaving
6. is not working
7. are doing
8. quarrel
9. moves
10. are crossing
11. fly
12. laugh
13. is always talking
1. The sun was shining, the birds were singing and everyone was smiling and saying hello to each other. 2. She was wearing 3. she was making 4. I was having 5. we were walking 6. was blowing … the rain was beating down. John was standing … He was trying … Finally he saw the lights of the bus which was approaching … 7. A geometry lesson was going on. The teacher was drawing, was looking … was thinking. 8. she was talking …she was telling 9. Some were reading … were turning …was knitting … was playing … was waiting 10. was burning 11. What were they doing? … were looking 12. What were you doing … I was cleaning.
2. Flashmob is a group of people who assemble in a place and suddenly perform an unusual performance for brief time.