Напиши по- вопросы,чтобы узнать когда эмма поедет в канаду что боб будет делать завтра куда они поставят книжный шкаф сколько лет будет рою в следующий четверг почему она приедет домой поздно сколько городов они посетят летом
When will Emma go to Canada? what is Bob going to do tomorrow? / what will Bob do tomorrow? where will they place the wardrobe? how old will Roy be next Thursday? why will she come home late? how many cities will they visit in the summer?
This summer I was inchildren's camp "Cosmos". ATthis camp I spent 3memorable weekrecreation. There I found a newfriends with whom to datethen I talk. His time inCamp we held as follows:We went to bathe in the squadBlack sea, sunbathe,attended medicalprocedure, traveled toaquapark . To us in the campcame the famous singerTimur Rodrgez. Whenchange over, we allamicably parted onhome. But this is mythe journey is notended. My brother and I andsister went to childrenCamp "Magistral". ATcamp I met withyour friends. With themwe communicate onseveralyears. Very fun andwe actively conductedtime. We passed"Eurovision" inwhere I placed thirdplace, for which he receiveddiplomas and medals. Itsummer was unforgettable
Hi my name is .. I was born 21 of May in 2002, I'm 13. I live in ... I' m studying in year 8. I have hot blond hare and brown eyes. Our family is pretty big. I have got mother, father, aunt, grandfather , two brothers and sisters. I'm a good student, my favorite subjects is Russian language , history, english and biology. I want to learn Spanish and French languages. I have got a friend , she's 13 too. Nowadays is really hard to meet a real friend and i'm glad to have her in my life. I can trust her all my secrets and if we don't see each other for a long time i'm start missing her. I have got a hobby making bracelets , quilling and origami. I really like to bake cakes. All of as loves music, Some of as like classic , other one pop and etc, but i like every type of music. I make my playlist for my mood Who i will be in the feature , i'm not sure yet, but i want to be a baker. thats all!
what is Bob going to do tomorrow? / what will Bob do tomorrow?
where will they place the wardrobe?
how old will Roy be next Thursday?
why will she come home late?
how many cities will they visit in the summer?