1 does Vlad go to college? 2 Where does Vlad go? 3 Vlad goes to college, doesn't he? 4 doesnVlad go to college oe to school? 5 who goes to college? 1 do the spek English during the lessons? 2 when do they speak English? 3 they speak English during the lessons don't they? 4 do they speak English or French during the lessons? 5 who speaks English during the lessons?
Many people like sport and participate in it as amateurs. That means they don’t aim at taking part in competitions, winning medals or getting honorary titles. They just want to fill their everyday life with physical activity, because they enjoy it or believe in its health-giving effects. Most often, amateur sportsmen go in for dancing, gym training, tennis, swimming. However, recently a very unusual type of sports appeared – video games, or so called eSports. There are games that require high skill and a lot of training, and there are serious championships held in different countries. While some people argue that video games cannot be considered a sport, others spend years practicing in eSports and win valuable prizes.
Многим людям нравится спорт, и они занимаются им как любители. Это означает, что они не стремятся к тому, чтобы участвовать в соревнованиях, выигрывать медали и получать почетные звания. Они просто хотят наполнить свои будни физической активностью, потому что им это нравится или потому что они верят в ее оздоровительный эффект. Чаще всего спортсмены-любители занимаются танцами, тренировками в тренажерном зале, теннисом, плаванием. Тем не менее, недавно появился очень необычный вид спорта – видеоигры, или так называемый киберспорт. Существуют игры, которые требуют высокого навыка и долгих тренировок, и в разных странах проводятся серьезные чемпионаты. В то время пока одни утверждают, что видеоигры нельзя считать видом спорта, другие проводят годы за тренировками и выигрывают ценные призы.
Several small town have played a huge role in my life. One of them is Munglinup, the place where my mother grew up . Its a typical americal town. When my mum was a kid, it was a bustling town; in had a wonderful hall, a crowded pub, lots of beautiful houses and a cheerful school. Now, kess then thirty years leter, the only services that remain are the school and roadhouse. But there are few children to go to school. Half of the houses in mums neighboors are empty. Traveling only stop for fuel. It can turn into a ghost town.
2 Where does Vlad go?
3 Vlad goes to college, doesn't he?
4 doesnVlad go to college oe to school?
5 who goes to college?
1 do the spek English during the lessons?
2 when do they speak English?
3 they speak English during the lessons don't they?
4 do they speak English or French during the lessons?
5 who speaks English during the lessons?