This work (to do) every day.this text (to translate) at the last lesson. hockey (to play) in question (to answer) (to sell) in shops and in the streets раскройта плз.
This work is done every day.This text was translated at the last lesson. Hockey is played in winter.My question was answered yesterday.Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets.
Are you a lecturer (a teacher)? No, I am not a lecturer, I am a student. Fred, give this boy your book , please. Is this tie yellow or red? - It is yellow. Please, take the cups from the table. Please, put these cups on this table. Thank you. Please, put this book into your bag. Please, take a spoon from this boy. Peter is a doctor. He's my friend. He's a good doctor and a good friend. Fred is a student. Now he's in his room. Are your students in that room? Is your friend a doctor or a teacher? - He is a doctor.
My name is Nicholas. I am a student. Fred is my buddy. He is also a student. Now we are in his apartment. His apartment is big and clean. Give me, please, your book and pencil, Fred, thank you. Kolya, take, please, my book from the table, open it, find page seven and read lesson three. Is this text short or long? - It is short. Is Anna a student or a doctor? - Anna is a doctor now. She's a good doctor.
Смысловые глаголы-они выражают какое либо действие или процесс( Например: ломать, строить) модальные глаголы -выражают не само действие а отношение к действию( например: нужно, необходимо что-то сделать) за модальным глаголом всегда следуют смысловой глагол вс они не выражают никакого действия и обычно не переводятся они служат для образования сложных форм глаголов глагол связка-они тоже не выражают никакого действия но служат для связи подлежащего со смысловой частью частью глагола, и показывают число,время и лицо
This work is done every day.This text was translated at the last lesson. Hockey is played in winter.My question was answered yesterday.Flowers are sold in shops and in the streets.