1) She cleaned and cooked all day. - Она убиралась и готовила еду весь день.
2) The prince invited the unkind sisters to the palace. - принц пригласил злых сестер во дворец.
3) One day a Fairy Godmother visited her. - Однажды крестная фея пришла к ней в гости.
4) She asked the Fairy Godmother for help. - Она попросила крестную о
5) She danced with the prince at the palace. - Она танцевала с принцем во дворце.
6) The prince married her. - Принц женился на ней.
7) They lived happily ever after. - Они жили долго и счастливо.
I am fond of cars. I like to collect car models. Every week I buy a magazine with a small car. There are about 50 cars in my collection. I have not only foreign cars but old Soviet and Russian models too. But most of all I like RED FORD MUSTANG. It was the most popular car in the USA in the 60 s. I think my collection is very interesting . It helps me to learn more about cars.