Different children can tell differently how they spend their day at school. There are children who hate school, they try to go to it less often, and the kids who adore school like that. Because they know that the school gives them knowledge.
The day is just a re-enactment at the school is like So:
at 8:00 the child should be at school. Often there are 7 lessons, but this is also looking in which class the child. After each lesson, there is a change in which the children rest and then all over again. 1-2 times during the change they go to the buffet. And then when the lessons are over, the children go Home. that's all day
I love to go shopping. Even if I do not what is not I buy, I am very pleased to observe that as evolving fashion. last time I was in a clothing store "Sauvage" in the department of evening dresses. I was very happy that I was able to buy an expensive but very beautiful dress. now I have the opportunity to visit many of the celebrations. buying a dress Me, I have looked after costume for mom. It was a formal suit for office work. Mom tried on, and he approached her. She was happy when I bought it.
В действительном залоге подлежащее обозначает исполнителя действия, лицо или предмет, выполняющие описываемое действие, а тот, на кого направлено действие, т.н. "получатель действия" в предложении является дополнением. Большинство предложений имеют действительный залог. Предложения действительного залога в английском языке образуются следующим образом: исполнитель действия + I форма глагола + получатель действия. Например: The professor teaches the students. Профессор преподает студентам.